Horoscope Analysis
Horoscopes are based on the belief that the positions and movements of celestial bodies can influence human behavior and personality traits.
- Sun Sign
- Moon Sign
- Rising Sign (Ascendant)
- Planetary Placements
When it comes to compatibility, astrologers consider the interaction between two individuals' zodiac signs. Some traditional astrological theories suggest that certain zodiac signs are more compatible with each other, while others may have more challenging interactions. However, it's important to remember that compatibility is not solely determined by zodiac signs, and individual personalities, values, and communication styles play a significant role in any relationship.
To explore compatibility, astrologers often analyze the following factors:
Element: Zodiac signs are grouped into four elements – fire, earth, air, and water. Signs of the same element tend to have easier understanding and relating to each other.
Mode: Zodiac signs are also grouped into three modes – cardinal, fixed, and mutable. Signs of the same mode may have similar approaches to life and can work well together.
Planetary Aspects: Astrologers examine how the planets in one person’s birth chart interact with those in another person’s chart. Favorable aspects may indicate compatibility, while challenging aspects may present obstacles.